Sunday, August 22, 2010



Where do you stand on the topic of truth?
Starting in the beginning of the 20th century the time period of Modernism begun. Modernism as in the belief of absolute truth, inflexible reality: fixed, invariable, unalterable facts, also known as universal truth. “it is a fixed, invariable, unalterable fact that there are absolutely no square circles and there are absolutely no round squares.” this is a well put example of absolute truth. Modernism is based on the search of absolute truth. There are many who believe in absolute truth and many that believe there is no such thing. But to say there is no such thing as absolute truth, is saying that absolutely there is no such thing. It is a very debatable topic, what is truth has been debated for much longer than the period of modernism. Even the great Plato had an opinion of absolute truth. “Plato believed that absolute truth existed, but that truth on earth was merely a shadow of great forms of absolute truth existing in the universe.” source: the end of the majority of absolute thought was in 1945, the dropping of the atomic bomb, the splitting of the atom. Once thought to be impossible became true, it completely changed the thoughts of people all over the world effecting us in almost every form. This started the time period of post-modernism, the thought that what is true to me may not be true to you and my opinions are just as right as yours. Post modernism was a start to an age of paranoia. It has affected the type of arts and writings our society is exposed to even.My personal thoughts of truth is that what maybe true to me may also be true to you, what is true to you may also be true to me, what is truth to one of us may be true for both of us. But there will always be things that are true to both of us absolutly, like there is no such thing as a square circle. There will always be people who will belive different of absolute truth like the example I just used, to my opinion though maybe they are just crazy.“It's difficult to disprove the concept of absolute truth, since saying that there are no absolute truths – that is absolutly true that no absolute truth exist – it itself an absolute truth."

1 comment:

  1. Very good. Nice use of sources. The idea that there are absolutely no absolutes is a great paradox in Postmodernism. Good work. Keep it up.
