Monday, August 30, 2010


Unit One: Reality and Truth (Modern Vs. Postmodern: the Death of Truth and the Birth of Political Correctness)

It has taken us three weeks to cover all of Unit One. The main topics we have covered are Modernism, Post modernism era, the American Literature wrote during the time periods, and main fallacies. I understood everything for the most part from this unit besides the reading. I think that is where I had my most problems, I don't think it was not reading is class but maybe that we did not talk about it much in class either. We spent a lot of time on modernism and post modernism, day after day. I understood what the time eras traits were in thee first day or two. I think we should have spent more time on the fallacies, we covered like 15 in two days. It was all easy work to understand just given to us all at once.

What I gathered from this unit was a better understanding of the debate of what is truth. I have came to the conclusion that there can be absolute truth bu also what may be true to you may not also be true to me. One cannot say that all is true who are they to say it is? We are all equal but we all may not always be right.

My Favorite piece of writing this unit was Ernest Hemingway's a Clean Well Lighted Place. I understood it the best and there was a lot of interesting parts in the short story. It seemed like every part had another meaning. I enjoined reading this because it was almost like reading and putting together a puzzle. I have also noticed today that I think we  talked about this the most in class. I guessing this was because of the critical analyses we wrote on it but I think it would help the class to review more about what we read.

Overall this was a good unit and I hope we do others like it again I'm sure we will   

1 comment:

  1. I think that the reading was difficult too since we didn't go over it a lot. We could have spent a little more time on the fallacies but having them all at once, I think helped us better understand them. Good job.
